
Peach & Lily - Keep Your Skin Properly Hydrated as Dry Weather Approaches
Keep Your Skin Properly Hydrated as Dry Weather Approaches Keeping your skin suitably moisturized and hydrated is vital to maintaining...
Peach & Lily - How to Get Rid of Acne
The first step to understanding how to get rid of acne is to understand what causes it. Acne is typically a symptom of underlying issues like inflammation or a compromised skin barrier however issues beyond the skin like stress can also be the culprit.  Identifying the root cause, will help you know how to get rid of acne – treat the root cause and you'll see more profound and lasting results.
Peach & Lily - Should You Do Your Korean Skincare Routine Every Day?
Obviously, skincare is all about consistency and the more consistent you are with your regime the better results you’ll have but. Despite this, we all have those days where skincare feels like an exhausting chore and we neglect certain steps to or just don’t do it altogether. And for those new to a Korean skincare routine, it can feel like a daunting task that’s not only time consuming but also challenging to find all the right products. Thus, we often get questions like are “all 10 steps of a Korean skincare routine something you need to do every day?” The answer is a little more complicated than a simple yes or no, so read on for a more detailed explanation and tips to maximize the effectiveness of your Korean skincare routine.
Peach & Lily - Exfoliators for Glowing Skin
Taking the time to exfoliate regularly – removing dead skin cells and other debris from the surface of your skin – is crucial to de-clogging pores and helping stimulate the skin’s renewing process. Eliminating dead skin with the help of exfoliators will also help your skin absorb serums – along with most other products you may apply – much easier. With exfoliators, you’re not only improving the look of your skin and giving it a natural glow but you’re also making your skin healthier.
What is Combination Skin - and do you have it?
Did you know that combination skin is typically the most widely self-identified skin type? So if you think you have combination skin, you're in the majority!
Peach & Lily - Benefits of Aloe Vera Gel Skincare
Aloe Vera and the variety of vitamins, proteins, and antioxidants it contains has been used across numerous cultures for centuries to treat burns and scars and also soften skin. Aloe Vera also works well as a moisturizer that can soothe skin and comes in a variety of forms like moisturizers, creams, masks, and gels. One of the best forms is organic Aloe Vera gel. An organic Aloe Vera gel comes with a bevy of benefits beyond the obvious moisturizing and smoothing abilities, making it a great addition to your skincare regimen.
Are You Ready for Retinol?
What are Retinoids?
Peach & Lily - The Difference Between Prebiotic and Probiotic Skincare
Your gut may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about skincare, but recent pre and probiotic skincare trends have highlighted the connection between gut health and skin health. Much like you skin, your gut has its own microbiome and surprisingly the two share many of the same microorganisms that protect against invading pathogens. Appearing naturally, these microorganisms promote healthy skin and gut biomes but certain prebiotic and probiotic supplements that can assist them. That’s the essence of pre and probiotic skincare – promoting a healthier gut which can, in turn, promote healthier skin.