June is Acne Awareness Month! One of the most common skin concerns, acne, is something that so many people have experienced at some point in their lifetime.
According to the American Academy of Dermatology, acne affects up to 50 million people in the United States each year (1), so chances are, you or a close friend or family member have dealt with this firsthand, too.
This is true for our team members at Peach Slices, and we’re right there with you. We understand how overwhelming it can be to try out every “miracle” product on the market in the hopes of achieving calm, glowing skin.
That’s why we’re sharing our team's stories, in their own words, so you know that you're not alone. Because although everyone’s journey looks different, one thing is clear: your skin’s future.
Their journeys are proof. Sure, acne can happen to anyone, but with the right treatment plan for your skin, so too can relief.

The proof is in the selfie. Calm, clear, glowing skin can become a reality for anyone dealing with acne
Steven Cannizzo | Vice President, Sales & Education
Skin Type: Combination/Dry
Breakout Age: 12-17
Acne Type: Extremely oily and porous
The Zituation: “I had severe cystic acne as a teenager with the addition of a lot of blackheads and white comedones. My parents bought me everything that was on the market to help with acne: Infomercial acne systems, drying lotions, pore strips... you name it. My mother would also provide pimple popping 'torture' sessions... we didn't know then what we know now. So if I didn't have a zit I would have bruises and fingernail marks.”
Below the Surface: “It was always extremely embarrassing. Acne is what first brought me into the beauty industry, as I had to become very good with cover-up to hide my breakouts and the post-acne inflammation. I remember just wanting to hide and become invisible, which became even harder when I hit a growth spurt and became a foot taller than most of my teachers.”
Breakout Breakthrough: “It was actually getting my first job in the beauty industry at Sephora. I remember being trained in skincare by the store's expert, who happens to be an esthetician, and she saw what I was dealing with and offered to give me facials in the backroom everyday before or after our shifts. Within weeks, my skin started to clear up, and in a few months it was as if I never had acne! I was so inspired that it moved me to completely change career and education paths and I went to school for aesthetics. You can say that acne shaped my life as it is today. Without it, who knows where I would have ended up.”
Acne Advice: “IT GETS BETTER! At the time of having acne, it's almost impossible to see through the storm. I remember looking at the bumps that were under my skin thinking they would never go away. While age certainly helps with the hormonal aspect of acne during puberty an amazing skincare routine is also really key to moving the process along and begin the post-acne healing journey. Just remember, nothing happens over night and CONSISTENCY is the key. I cannot stress that enough. Consistency, consistency, consistency."

Eleanor’s progress with acne: getting clearer and calmer by the month.

Cheers to glowing skin!
Eleanor Raether | Senior Brand Manager
Skin Type: Dry
Breakout Age: Late teens
Acne Type: Body Acne & Cystic
The Zituation: “I have had a love/hate relationship with my skin since I was 17. It started with back acne, which I was told would resolve on its own over time/as I aged (not true).
Fast forward to my junior year of college, I went on a type of birth control that unfortunately caused horrible cystic acne across my jawline and cheeks. The red, raw, sore, deep type of acne that not only looked terrible, but was so sensitive and painful. I would agonize over my skin and spend so much money (and time) applying thick “full-coverage” foundation all over my face to cover up the bumps.
My face acne finally hit a point where topical solutions were no longer working, and thus, Accutane entered the chat.”
Below the Surface: “I’ve always had my hair long, but it’s partly because I would use it to cover up my bacne in the summertime. Whether it was at camp, on a boat with friends, or on a beach vacation, I hated being in a swimsuit because I was embarrassed of my back.
Acne can be so personal. We build it up in our heads to be this big, scary, annoying, and frustrating monster. We all know what it’s like when we have a pimple or breakout and think everyone is staring at it. Truth is, no one really cares – but it’s incredibly difficult to realize that and move past the acne.”
Breakout Breakthrough: “When I finally understood the root cause of my acne. I initially thought my acne was due to puberty or 'growing up' when in fact, it was (and still is) caused by something external. For me, seeing a Dermatologist that I really trust was the biggest help. They were able to assess my skin, recommend Accutane to get my acne under control, and then later on, offer another solution to help keep my acne at-bay. I was on Accutane for 6 months and wow, did it work wonders, but it’s seriously no joke.
After countless topical solutions, one round of Accutane, and now Spironolactone (which I take daily), I’ve finally gotten my skin under control.
While it’s such a relief to finally have clear skin now, I do have to remain diligent with taking the Spironolactone every day, otherwise deep red bumps and surface-level breakouts will start to appear. It’s like a reminder that under the surface, the acne is still there… it’s just dormant.”
Acne Advice: “First and foremost, you’re not alone. There are so many people that battle acne behind closed doors. Whether or not you’re open to using prescription solutions, I highly recommend seeing a Dermatologist. They can assess your skin, diagnose what type of acne you even have, and suggest a path forward.
I also recommend keeping your skincare routine very simple and straightforward. A lot of over-the-counter products have added scents or ingredients that can irritate your skin. I opt for fragrance-free products when I can.
On days when I can tell a breakout is coming, I’ll pop on a Peach Slices Deep Blemish Microdart and voila! They really do help save my skin from a bad breakout.”

Katherine in her acne-free era
Katherine Gentile | Brand Marketing Director
Skin Type: Combination
Breakout Age: 20s
Acne Type: T-zone
The Zituation: “I dealt with acne in my 20s, surprisingly not as much in my teens. I was never breakout-free, but there were times when my skin felt more "tame" than others. I broke out in my T-zone, especially on my chin and around my mouth. I tried anything and everything. I also *picked* and *popped* pretty often. Cringe, I know.”
Below the Surface: “I feel most confident when my skin is clear. When I'm most confident, it is much easier to be myself especially in social settings. So when I have breakouts, I find it harder to get in that head space. Although, I do think it's beautiful that we're starting to normalize breakouts and even celebrate them because it happens to everyone and we shouldn't feel ashamed or less confident.”
Breakout Breakthrough: “I went back to the basics. Instead of piling on the products, I simplified my routine and tried to avoid touching my blemishes (there weren't Acne Spot Dots back then). I stopped trying to battle my skin with treatment after treatment and learned to work with it.”
Acne Advice: “Use spot dots and stop picking. But also I think it was @kellygracemae who said something recently like people don't like you because you have clear skin, they like you because you're smart, kind, funny etc. So shifting that mentality has helped me any time I've had an off day.”
(1) Bickers DR, Lim HW, Margolis D, Weinstock MA, Goodman C, Faulkner E et al. The burden of skin diseases: 2004 a joint project of the American Academy of Dermatology Association and the Society for Investigative Dermatology. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2006;55:490-500.